Sherpa Patrol

What follows are the real life chronicles of the Sherpa Patrol. One man's experience with working, dating, drinking and living in the Chicagoland area! The opinions, observations and musings expressed herein are to be used for good and not evil. Don't trust the Yeti!

Location: Oak Park, ILLINOIS, United States

I can gargle Tequila. I only dance at weddings. I am a recovering Catholic.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dating Season Update

Note: The Sherpa’s dating season runs from February 15th through October 31st. For more information see my entry titled, “The Dating Season”.

Well, as another “Dating Season” draws to a close I would like to thank all of the ladies who participated this year. I must apologize that there were no permanent connections established. However, please do not feel bad, as each of you occupy a special place in my memory (for those of you I can remember).

I would like to remind all the rest of you single ladies that there are still 19 days left in this dating season. So technically, if we can get out on a quick date or two before Halloween, I can squeeze in a relationship for 2005.

Just a quick reminder of some of the qualities I find desirable in a woman-

First the disclaimers, a minimum age of 21 is required and, as I am 6 foot three inches tall, a minimum height requirement of 5 foot 3 inches is desired.

Other pluses include:

*Lives in Chicago Area
*Chicago Cubs fan
*Drinks beer
*Has seen Star Wars (the original)
*Cuts sandwiches on the diagonal
*Would be willing to go camping
*Will put up with my crazy friends (or at least try)
*Be willing to tell me “Don’t worry baby” like in the Beach Boys song
*Will eat Pizza with all of these toppings- Sausage, Pepperoni, Onion, and Green Peppers
*Enjoys a good “Road trip”
*Big Ten Alumni (Go Hawkeyes!)

These are just suggestions, they are not requirements. Except for the sandwich thing. If you are going to cut it in half use the diagonal cut. Trust me. It is just better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I guess it's only fair that since I've seen yours, you get to see mine.

(I hope you didn't think I was referring to something else.)

Also, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with the diagonal-cutting-of-the-sandwich thing. Anything else is just wrong.

November 27, 2005  

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