Sherpa Patrol

What follows are the real life chronicles of the Sherpa Patrol. One man's experience with working, dating, drinking and living in the Chicagoland area! The opinions, observations and musings expressed herein are to be used for good and not evil. Don't trust the Yeti!

Location: Oak Park, ILLINOIS, United States

I can gargle Tequila. I only dance at weddings. I am a recovering Catholic.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Local Sherpa Celebrates Birthday

Greetings all. The holidays have possessed me and I have been unable to get to the blog. Between constantly eating and spending all my free time involved in some sort of family event I have managed to squeeze in yet another birthday. My birthday is on December 29th. I survived, and hey getting older beats the alternative. It was pretty low key this year. Due to the timing of my brithday (in between Christmas weekend and New Years weekend) I won't be celebrating it until early January. I'll be sure to post some information about what bars we will be visiting. I am sure that there will be several good stories to come out of that night.
Also, I am working on some new projects.
A quick preview of things to come:
Join the Sherpa Patrol, become a card carrying member & The dive bar review

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You want cheese on that?

So the Sherpa prefers hamburgers to cheeseburgers. Not a statement that should cause much of a stir. In fact, a pretty insignificant observation. However, to the fast food industry this must be a giant middle finger staring at them.

Over the last few months I have been trying to eat healthier, so I have been avoiding fast food. That having been said, whenever I do go out for a burger the Fast food conglomerates have been conspiring against me. No matter what I do McDonalds and Burger King insist on giving me cheeseburgers.
These S.O.B.'s take my order, they just can't seem to make my order. It seems like a small thing, but these companies advertise that I can "get it my way" or that "I'm loving it". Well, I am not loving it.

Nothing makes this situation better than the drive-thru. That way I can get all the way home before I discover those bastards gave me the wrong thing again. I have even gone back to the restaurant on one occasion to get the correct order. It was at this point the counter guy asked me, "Did you check your order before you pulled away?". What the hell does that mean? I thought that was the employee's job. Well, get me a paper hat sherlock, I am on the job. I am sorry to rant like this but seeing as how it happens to me about 75% of the time I feel I earned the right to vent.

Now, the good news. Kids, there is a oasis of fabulous fast food out there. It is called Wendy's. First of all, I always get the right order, even in the drive-thru. Second, the burgers are really good. They even ask if you want cheese or not. Third, I have recently discovered something wonderful. Meal #6, the Spicy Chicken sandwich. Holy crap is this thing good. Go out and try one for yourself.

So what have I learned out of all of this?
1) The spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's is the holy grail.
2) McDonalds and Burger king are the anti-christ.
3) Apparentley I get worked up over really small things.