So it is official. I am convinced that we are in the downward spiral that every great civilization eventually suffers. There is a reason that the great societies of the past eventually ended or fell. There must be some sort of generational limit to a society. Eventually each generation, by way of pissing off the generation before it, ends up totally destroying the whole thing. I have two prime examples of the fact that the United States, an idealistic free republic, is now just another annoying frigging Gap commercial.
I went to the movies on Sunday night. I spent $9 on a ticket, and $3.50 on medium sized Coca-cola. I didn't get a snack because they don't sell Junior mints at the movies anymore. Don't even get me started on that one. Anyway, it seems that everyone takes the dimming of the house lights as a cue to start chatting. Am I the only person who goes to the movies to watch the movie? I am refraining from commenting on the following items because this post would go on forever: The couple that brought their infant, the people who showed up 15 minutes late and complained about the difficulty in finding a seat, the guy who didn't shut off his cell phone,the people behind me in line who stood so close to me I could feel thier breath on my neck, the girl behind us who spilled her drink, and those are just a few. I am begining to think shut-ins have the right idea. American society, as a whole, has turned into a rude, self centered brat that really needs to get its ass kicked. No time out, a sound beating.
That having been said, what the hell do children need cell phones for? I was at a fest over Labor Day weekend and there were tons of young children with cell phones. I didn't get a cell phone until I was 24 and even then I did it with some reluctance. What the hell do two 12 year olds have to say to each other that is so urgent. I know what I would have used a cell phone for when I was a kid, coordinated toilet paper and egg attacks on local homes. I don't even want to know what kids with out of control hormones are using them to coordinate. I hope I do not sound too old but it can't just be me. I really do think this current generation is spoiled rotten. Remote controls, cell phones, computers, the internet, laser eye surgery, invisble braces where is the torture I went through as a boy.
All these signs of the decline are merely symptoms of a larger problem. Take a look at the source of these problems. Our government has seen fit to install cameras everywhere to record our every move, for our protection. We have the Patriot Act which eliminates many of our civil rights, for our protection. Hell, our President has invaded countries, for our protection. Wow we must be the safest country around huh? Anyone want to know how this is going to end? Well I don't want to spoil the ending but read
1984 by Orwell. While you're at it re-read
Brave New World by Huxley, as well. Then try to get to sleep at night. I didn't sleep well for a week.